The best way to update Windows 7 64-bit with SP1 is to download the full package from Microsoft Downloads Center. Step 1: Download Windows 7 Service Pack 1 For 64 Bit Computers → Steps To Take Before Installing Windows 7 Service Pack 1

This tutorial can be applied when Windows 7 SP1 fails to install. After following the right procedure I finally managed to install the Windows 7 SP1 within one and half hour. Finally I found a solution to this problem in which the Service pack 1 update gets stuck at some percent and would not go further.The system was restored to its previous state automatically. This process was repeated further two times indicating a failure and wasted a total of 5 hours. While configuring the updates, the progress rose to 9% then got stuck for 1 hour then moved to 12% and stuck for another half hour then finally rose to 14% and after 10 minutes the system restarted. In this case the SP1 update took 4 hours to configure which was due to Windows update agent failure, because it was not running to handle updates.It will take 1 hour to install on PC and another half hour to configure updates before and after system restart. However the update procedure should not take more than 1 hour 30 minutes to install completely. Reverting changes” and getting an Error 0x800f0826 windows 7. Recently I tried to install the Service Pack 1 update on a 64-bit PC but it was not successful and failed after 5 hours of installation giving a message windows 7 SP1 failure configuring service pack “Failure configuring service pack.Because of it the system can not install new updates. This happens due to the non-working Windows update service. In 64-bit systems the service pack 1 update sometimes fails after a long time of installation. In this tutorial I am going to teach you how you can install the Windows 7 SP1 on your 64bit computer without failure.